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If you want to succeed, read this everyday.

by Didorphin 2020. 12. 25.

Here's a lecture by Canadian clinical psychologist and cultural critic Jordan Peterson.

If you start your day by reading this article every day, your life will surely move forward.
We always think. I look like this, but why is that person better than me? Why do people around me say that I made money from stocks when I couldn't find my money even after putting in stocks? I'm working hard, but there's a story that I bought a house well and earned 1 billion won in market profits, and I can't buy a good bag due to the bad economy these days, but why are luxury handbags selling so much?

We always look up and look at our current situation. And then I get frustrated. This is the real problem. When you envy it, you think like this. 'That's something that ordinary office workers can never do. That's the person who runs the business. Business is only done by people with money. They all made money by fraud. "If I do it like them, it's easy to make money."

In this way, we are in a hurry to deny reality and make excuses. As soon as they said that, they blocked their growth potential. The only way you can improve your current life is as follows.

1. You need an improvement system.

I'm setting a goal for something. That means you're worse than someone who's already achieved that goal in the system. This is causing jealousy. In the end, it's important who you should beat.
The answer to that is 'the previous me'. You have to continue to achieve it. And you are the right controller for yourself. Because you're the one who has all your strengths and weaknesses.

If you want to compete with others, you must compete with yourself. If you want to move forward, all you have to do is beat the 'low self'. The "low self" is related to anger, bitterness, aggressive and revenge, all of which are "negative." These things interfere with your ability. What makes your life move forward.


The "personal responsibility" of competing with oneself is better than that of getting better the next day. This is managing you and being humble. "I'm a defective person. I have all the problems. Can I be like X?' That's not the right question.

The answer is whether tomorrow's me is a little better than the 'defective present me'. The answer to that is on a reasonably low standard if you are humble enough. Then you will be better tomorrow than today. Because all you have to do is 'I have a flaw here. My shortcomings are not perfect. Rather than improving other people, this is what they actually do. This is why I tell people to "clean up their rooms first." This is not something to brag about.

Some people won't be able to do this either. When you can organize it. The meaning is that you get on the right path of "self-improvement". Transcending my previous self. "How do you live your life in the right direction? If you ask, "If there's such a thing," it's not about living by a few rules.

It transcends your current flaws. What's interesting about this is that the meaning of life lies in pursuing this value. The fundamental problem of life tragedy is very tragic and difficult. To everyone.

It's tragic and difficult, but sometimes it doesn't make sense. It means that you or others make it worse than it was. That's life. There should be an antidote for this. It makes you feel better. Do something valuable!

On that worst day, you have a reason to get out of bed. Because you have something to do. What do you think we need to do? Transcend your present devastation. You can find the meaning there.

The meaning is related to 'responsibility'. Life is hard. It's covered with malice and betrayal.

This is going to hurt you. I need something to offset that. Where can I find the meaning? It's not a right, it's not an impulsive pleasure, it's a "responsibility" for you.


2. Take care of yourself.


If you know how to take care of yourself, you can afford to take care of your family. If you can do both, you can afford to take care of the community. You're thinking "meaningfully" by lifting the heavy burden. The best way to lift the burden is to continuously improve yourself. That's where you can find the meaning. Something that continues to transcend. Let the old "self" die. Let the new "self" be reborn. Even if everything is going well now, there will definitely be harsh times later. You're going to get sick. Families can be sick or their dreams can be shattered.


But you have the potential to get out of the bog. You can get through it, too. It's as if a fighter loses. Regardless of the environment that caused me to lose, there may be errors due to the referee's decision, but now is not the time to whine. Now I have to look at what I did wrong. To improve the future. This is the right attitude.

It's my fault when something doesn't work out. Set a low goal. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't set any goals or raise your goals. You must be aware of that. You have to set goals that you can achieve. If you have a bad body,

the goal you can get tomorrow will not be so honorable. But it's better than not doing it at all. I can get rid of the bitterness. It's much better than blaming someone. It's much less dangerous. You can handle it. It accumulates one by one.

3. Today's small steps allow you to take a big step the next day.


And then you take a very little big step. You can do this for two to three years. To take a big step forward. There are things that a person trapped in darkness can do. It's really small. It's something they can do it. Organize and make your bed. I don't know how many people come and talk to me. 'I cleaned up my room, but strangely, I started to change.' Right. Now you can set a high goal.

The first concrete realization is 'bed arrangement'. You may think, "This is not heroic." Yes, it's not. But it's heroic to raise your goals.

4. Lower your goals to the following levels.


To the extent that you are not beyond "room arrangement." You are not at that high level. Lower yourself to live properly. Thank you for what's in front of you and take care of it and organize it one by one, and you'll suddenly get better. If you do it like this, it's really incredible.

"I didn't succeed." But I prepared for my life, got along well with my father, wife, and children, and found meaning in my life. Thank you. It's much better.' That's right. That's the right thing. I don't say that their existence itself is good now. You can do much better than you do now. And they're relieved. Because if you're in a terrible and dark environment, if someone says, 'You're okay with just being,'

you don't know what to do.

'I'm going through the worst time right now.It's hopeless.' What will you say to your young friends? 'You're 17 years old now, and you're good in itself.' Not at all. Over the next 60 years, it can get much better beyond comparison in various dimensions.


Pursuing to get better is what you find the meaning of life. That will be your antidote. In fact, life is a series of difficulties. I can only see people around me who are much better off than me. But people around me make this situation worse in the name of filling my self-esteem. However, the reality is that if you can't improve yourself directly, the current situation can never get better. No one lives for me. At times like that, I have to do more 'worthwhile'.


5. Organizing.

Professor Jordan Peterson emphasizes responsibility. More specifically, it's 'self-responsibility'. Self-responsibility is to value individual values. If you organize your room and know how to take care of me, you will be worried and help around you, and you will be able to afford to solve the social problems we are experiencing. So taking care of me first is the first thing.

In the end, the starting point for all our problems starts from one individual. The person who used to make excuses and blame others, who just stayed there, should be eliminated and even 1% should be able to become a "new me.


What's really sympathetic and interesting is that set your goal low. Someone only looks at utopia so much that they only look at very high goals that they cannot achieve at the moment. So I get frustrated. Someone thinks they are low because they lack self-esteem. These people give up even though they can be better.


A grand dream, a high goal, is not a common word for everyone. If I have low self-esteem and I am not supported by action, a higher goal will make you harder. So the most important thing is that you need to lower your goal. Taking a step forward while continuing to achieve realistic goals is a way to transcend yourself. This life is a hundred times better than criticizing others and blaming others. When you are blamed, pessimistic, and frustrated, someone is stepping up the stairs of growth.

Professor Jordan Peterson once again emphasizes. "Clean up your room first". This means to improve one's life step by step, starting with the closest thing. The first thing I face when I wake up in the morning is a messy blanket.
Think about it while organizing the messy blankets one by one. Start the day by folding blankets and think about what you will improve one by one in the future. You have to take the feeling that "I'm getting better every day than yesterday."

One thing for sure is that people who like to blame others and make excuses are not necessarily big. The boundaries of responsibility must be clear. I don't have to overwrite other people's responsibilities at all. If the elements of responsibility have become clear, it's time to transcend yourself.

"What should I do here to make this situation worse?" What should I do before this situation comes in the future?' It's a way of thinking that can make me better today than I did yesterday. It's a way to transcend what Professor Jordan Peterson says. The attitudes of those who have this mindset and those who are always busy blaming others may seem similar right now, but the results will be disastrous in 1,5 and 10 years.

Have a more meaningful morning reading this article every morning. I hope you will not be yesterday's me who always makes excuses and blames others, but today's me who always overcomes yesterday's day.

