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MIND of Millionaires - Brian Tracy

by Didorphin 2022. 1. 5.

Let's take a look at a lecture by Brian Tracy, CEO of a global consulting firm that said that a person without a goal is sentenced to life imprisonment for working for a person with a goal.

You set the limits of everything that can achieve you. After studying the subject of success for a long time, I found something amazing. The first million dollars is a really difficult challenge, but after that, the million dollars inevitably follow. And what comes before becoming a millionaire is that you have to change first. You have to be a millionaire. You have to make your personality and temperament the top 1%. And the cool thing is that the method is not complicated at all. It's not as complicated as rocket science, but it's ridiculously simple. This secret will save you 10 to 20 years. Your life will change like magic.

1. Start "Change of Life" with "Decision": Memo

As you live your life, you will have several opportunities to change your life. The first opportunity for life transition begins as soon as you 'decide'. It's a pledge to myself that I'll be a millionaire to be super rich. And write it down on paper. As if it had come true. As if it were true. Because our unconsciousness is really powerful. Unconsciousness makes goals we speak of in the subject and present tense a reality and brings vitality to achieve them. And it stimulates the brain, and the brain knows you're not a millionaire. But the moment you say you're a millionaire, your brain starts working. To narrow the gap between them. The difference between the current position of wealth and the target wealth. That's how the brain doesn't rest and starts looking for a way 24 hours a day, and eventually it'll find a way for you. This is an amazing power and anyone can do it easily.


Write down your firm goals. It's a paper note. That's what makes our brains work 24 hours a day. Like the "Law of Attraction" that everyone knows, writing down exactly what you want on the note pad begins. This action will be delivered with energy and will attract your life to where you want it. But even if you know what you want perfectly, nothing will happen if you don't use your hands. Because the secret is that the information is recorded in the brain the moment you write it down with your hands. So write it down in the present tense. "How much do I have in 2019?""
"January 1, 2025, I'm a self-made millionaire."


At the beginning of my career, I surveyed the owners of 50 successful companies. They all ran a big company. I asked. "What's the strongest secret to your time management and business success?""
Of the 50 entrepreneurs, 49 entrepreneurs took out yellow note pads. It was a normal note pad.

He said he organized his day's goals in this notebook. It's a simple To Do list. Paper with thoughts is the most powerful tool. The most powerful thing in creating wealth is paper and pens. And write it down correctly. What kind of person you want to be, what kind of life you want to live, what you believe and beliefs.

2. 7 steps to write goals.


These seven steps will make you rich. The first step is to know exactly what you want. Decide what you want. Most people don't even know what they want. I want to be rich, but I want to have the meaning of wealth and exactly how much I want to get it. That's what Einstein said. "If you explain your goal to a six-year-old child and the child understands and fails to explain your goal to his or her friend, your goal is not clear," ask yourself after setting your goal. Is it a clear goal that even a six-year-old child can understand?

The second one is to write it down. Write down, write down, write down. Again, nothing is more important than writing down, and the only goal I haven't written down is fantasy. If you write down, you will use three abilities at the same time. Exercise ability, visual ability, and hearing are also stimulating because you use it while talking. That's why writing can stimulate three important parts of the brain at the same time. And the unconscious takes it as an order.


The third is to set the exact period. 'What will you have until when?' Set all these goals with time. I'm talking about the exact date. Write down the present tense when you will achieve your goal.
The fourth is to add lists for goals, and the fifth is to decide what's important, get new information, and change the list little by little. You can change the order.
The sixth is to try and set the most important task of the day, and the last is to do something for the final goal of life. These steps will definitely make you rich, happy, and famous.


3.Practice - Set goals, immerse yourself & perseverance

I'll teach you how to practice. I recommend you try it in person. And when you meet a new person, please let him know. If he doesn't practice this, don't waste time with him for a minute. Because that person has no chance of success.


First, take out a note pad or paper and write down your goals and today's date. Write down 10 goals. The goal you want to achieve in 12 months. The 10 goals you want to achieve in 12 months must be written in the current tense. It's like ordering something.
How much did you earn, how much did you achieve. Weight or what kind of car you drive.


Among those 10 goals, if you have a chance to achieve one in 10 goals in one day using magic, find out what goals you desperately want to achieve. We're looking for which goal will have the most positive effect. In most cases, one goal will be noticeable. Then circle the goal and rewrite it on a new paper. And follow the seven steps to write it. Write down your goals, write down your desired period, write down what you have to do to achieve them, organize them on a checklist, and act for them every day.

Endure the discomfort and difficulties of the beginning. An important concept of this exercise is to find the most valuable and important of the goals. And I'm trying to achieve that one goal. Now you all know. Thorough self-management is the secret to success. Likewise, it will be really difficult in the beginning to write down goals, make plans, prioritize, and start the most important thing first.

But remember. Everything is difficult before mastering and difficult in the beginning. But as time goes by, it becomes easier and will automatically change later. So force yourself to start complete self-management with these lists at the beginning. As time goes by, it becomes easier and you will feel happy. And you'll accumulate tremendous wealth. There will be no way but yourself to stop you.


