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Grant Cardone's mentoring worth 200 million won.

by Didorphin 2022. 3. 5.

Let me introduce the lecture of Grant Cardon, a self-made billionaire.

If I go back to my 20s, what I want to say to myself in my 20s is "money" properly. Worry about the money first. I'm sure a lot of people are thinking. Money is not something to focus on when you are young. But on a planet called Earth, if you don't know money properly, you'll live with worries for the rest of your life. You can't support your parents and take care of yourself. You won't be able to pay monthly rent, buy a good house, or drive around.

If you don't know the money properly. Okay, so what should I spend my money on? Why don't rich people spend money but use it? Why do rich people invest in businesses instead of buying homes? How do the rich grow their businesses by borrowing money? Why don't you buy products or services in debt, and why don't you worry about the future without investing in pensions or retirement accounts? I'll tell you why I'm only trying to know money.


"Money" education for self-made billionaires.


1. People who are afraid of money.


People who grew up in the middle class, not in poverty. I'm talking to middle-class people, not people who grew up in a really difficult family. They went to school, had money to buy bicycles, and grew up eating three meals a day and being loved by their parents. I'm sure most of them grew up like that.

It's an environment where there's no one to blame. How many of you grew up in that environment? Most of the United States grows up in that environment. Of course, there are many problems in the country. Drug addiction or murder accident. But the real problem in this country is the problem of the middle class that we overlook. 76% of people earn a day and live a day. And 99% of people live in fear every minute and second.

And the reason is money. Money and financial problems.


"How do you make money?" How should I make money? What should I do with the money I earned?' Damon John would say this. 'Everyone, money doesn't matter.' Remember this when Damon says so. Damon is someone who has already made a fortune. The two types of people who say money is not important are those who are already rich or have given up.

I even had more money in my pocket when I was 10 years old than when I was 25. When I was 25 years old, I had completed 17 years of curriculum. It took only five years for an accounting degree, but the more I learned, the less money I had.


2. Rich Mind - Have a big idea - Every penny is a penny.

"Even if you collect dust, it's dust."


But all I had at that time was a desperate desire and a word from within me. 'I want money.' Most take too long to succeed. What I'm saying now is a true story that I've experienced. Even I took too long to get where I wanted to get. Even most people end their lives in the middle.

The first problem, it takes too long to reach the destination. The same was true of my father. He died at the age of 52, and his father achieved the American Dream, and he finally bought the dream house. But he died 18 months later. But that's the life that education teaches. Start saving as soon as possible, invest in Wall Street, and save money on retirement pensions. One day, when you're old and you're wrinkled and unable to work, then take out the money and spend it."


What are you going to spend your money for then? You won't have the strength to spend money. Who's afraid of money here? Who always buys cheap and discounted items? Do you know why I only buy cheap ones? It's because money is scary. Because I don't know how to bring in new money. Again, the Earth is an economic planet. It doesn't matter where you're from or what religion you are.

There are only two things called Earth, but it's a definite world. First, gravity. No one can fly. It never changes everyday, right? Second, money. Everyday, we learn. The Earth returns to the economy. I don't have cash today,

but I have a credit card. With this small card I have, I can buy a box with something in it, or I can make something in it. Anyone who learned that it's better not to use credit cards? Anyone who learned that debt is bad? If I have 500 billion won in debt, I love debt almost as much as my wife and children. I love debt. Debt makes me money. The reason why I'm telling this story is that you've been educated wrong so far. If you have a problem with money, it's because you learned the wrong information. Not because you're silly or lazy. It's not like I have a bad job. It's because of the wrong information about money.


For the first 25 years of my life, I have lived only with false information spreading on TV and mass media. But it doesn't feed you. If you go to the grocery store and get about 200,000 won, it's not a lot, but two bags. Nevertheless, I put down what I bought. "The kids don't have to eat organic food only. I should buy this strawberry later.' Who's done this before? If you come back to shop on weekends, withered strawberries are on sale.

Even if you look at a banana, if it turns brown, you rationalize that it's sweeter and buy it. That's how you save a penny. It's a lot of dust. There's a saying like that everywhere in the world. But what is it when I collect 10 won? It's ten won. Don't think complicatedly. It's easy. Even if you collect 10 won, it's still 10 won.

Stop saying silly things now. Don't be a fool. Accept that the information you learned was wrong. 'Buy a house, just buy a house. Monthly rent is bad, so you have to buy a house. Rather than paying the monthly rent, I have to buy a house. But why does Warren Buffett have only one house? It's not even on his net asset statement. Really rich people are not busy buying houses and buy businesses. Right, the million and billionaires you're trying to be. I lived in small thoughts for those 20 years from 25 to 45. I thought small and took too long. At that time, I set up three small businesses, and all three were doing well. All the businesses that started on the floor were successful. I've already become a millionaire at the age of 33 since I started my first business. I really worked hard to death.


But the more money I made, the more scared I got. I misunderstood that I had enough money to be scared. About 1 billion won is that amount. There will be panic like this. "What should I do with this money now?"' I wasn't afraid because I didn't have it before, but now I have something to lose. So never get advice from a little millionaire. Make sure to write it down somewhere. 'Don't listen to advice from millionaires.' Their little thoughts locked me up for 20 years. What do you say in the book, "My Neighbor, Millionaire"? 'Buy a used car and don't go to Starbucks.

Save 4,000 won every day for the next 38 years and you'll be rich." It's a foolish thing to do with a small thought. Idiot. That 4,000 won is the same way you thought when you didn't have anything. Whatever you want to buy, just buy things on sale? Whatever I buy, I have to get a discount? You don't pay a regular price? Then others won't give you the right money. Because you're a cheap mind. When you spend money properly, you come back as income.


But if someone says they'll wait until the sale because the price is too high, you'll agree. "I would do that, too." Everyone has experienced it. They're playing amongst themselves. This is the point of what I'm saying. What does money mean to you? Do you earn money to take it when you die? Or do you want to use it and earn it? What is certain is that if you don't spend money, you can't even make money. This is how parents and society taught, even on the news. Be thrifty and frugal. Save money and invest in promising investors, mutual funds, or ETF.

I will definitely have life insurance and get compensation in the future someday.

Real rich people don't care about retirement pensions. They don't want to prepare for 90 years old in the distant future. They value the present. 'How can I double my money?' It's incredibly simple. It's not complicated at all. Money is too simple.


3. How to Make Money - The Distance Between Ideas and Money


Who has a 100-dollar bill? I just thought I needed money, but as I just said, I didn't have cash. That's why I put my thoughts into action. This is a lesson. Anyone can be rich if they understand.

First, I needed money and second, I asked someone who had money.And third, I got the money. It's not complicated at all, right? In fact, in some cases, you don't have to make anything or make a perfect business plan. You don't have to sell the product, and you can make money with ideas.

In other words, your success depends on how close the time distance between ideas and money is. The time distance to get money using ideas determines how successful you will be.


Listen to only two of my messages. First, it doesn't have to take long. Make the process short.Do you want to have a good body? You exercise twice a day, not once a day. Second, never think small. Think big no matter what. If you want to earn 1 billion won, set a goal of 10 billion won. The ten times the law I wrote came from there.

And when you make money, you have to spend it smartly. How do I make money? Make a list of people with money. Make a list of who has the money in the field I work for and who I need to know. Think about what value you will give them and study what they want and need. That's how you solve their problems. Then they have no choice but to spend money on you. Now go and know the money properly and make money.


