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How to make life 200% meaningful by a world-renowned psychologist.

by Didorphin 2020. 7. 13.

Here is a lecture by Jordan Peterson, author of Beyond Order and professor at the University of Toronto.

Are you satisfied with what you're doing? Someone may think that they have found a vocation. On the other hand, some people don't. You may not be able to confirm whether what you are doing is suitable for you. Why can't you judge about it?

I think everyone should be a philosopher in their area.
You have to create your own standards of value judgment, act accordingly, and move forward.
If we don't define standards, we're always confused.

What do I think is the most important thing when I choose a job, and why do I want to quit when I want to? Without your own standards and philosophy, you will always wander at the crossroads of choice.

That's why it's really important to set your own rules and live. If this criterion is clearly set, you can boldly judge when you are at the crossroads of choice.


1. If only one principle can be applied, you can grow rapidly.

If it's hard to decide yourself, try this method.
If you've already experienced someone's thoughts and it fits you well, you're going to use mine.
Professor Jordan Peterson's Map of Meaning provides a framework for thinking about the world.
50 sentences were compared and analyzed for each sentence. What is the best way to define reality? 

At the most abstractly high level.

What is reality? There are symbols of Taoism between yin and yang.
There is a white dot in the black snake and a black dot in the white snake. It's biting its tail.
The symbol means "do". "Do" means many things. It means potential and also means "the path of life." Living by keeping the "do" means living "right." You probably live on the white, black snake border.


Then, what are these two? There are two ultimate realities. "Yin" and "Yang" If you translate this into English, masculinity and femininity can be one interpretation, and the better translation is probably "order" and "confusion."


What is "order" and "chaos"? Order means when you recognize it. It refers to when the results of your actions match what you expect. Why is that order? Because I expected it. 

A acted and expected B, but B occurred. What does that mean? 

Knowing where you are and what you do, and that's what works. And I'm calm. 

Because there's nothing to care about. And I'm moderately happy. Because I got what I needed and wanted. There's also evidence that you're competent. That's why things are going well. That's the order.

What everyone knows is that order can be broken without hesitation and become disorder.
You're on your way. I'm in a very pleasant state with my lover. 

Then she makes a mistake and goes out of the road, and the bus hits her. It's just a moment. 

You are no longer in a state of order. It's like the world is collapsing. That's why the black dot is on the white side. This is in itself orderly, but you have to be really careful. Life can change in an instant. 

Sometimes I'm in a terrible state and everything looks absolutely terrible. And you get a new realization, and everything breaks down. It's when it's in chaos.

Order itself also appears. Order and chaos, you can think of it like this. It's like skating on ice.

There's water right below it. I can talk like this now. "Is reality really made of disorder in chaos?"
Then, what does the meaning stand for? This is what it means.

Imagine there is a gymnast. There are two gymnasts, and let's start with the first player. This gymnast jumped up and did her own moves. She did a great job and did everything impossible. The continuous movement was flawless. At the end, he reveals himself to people, so people will think he's amazing. Wow, look what humans can give me. Isn't it amazing? It's so amazing that the score is 9.8 points. 

They say 9.8 is the best score in gymnastics.

What should we do about gymnastics next? How can I say perfection?
I can't, but this is not true. You can do it. The next gymnast is coming out. She also performs perfectly 

prepared movements. You'll see her pushing herself to the end of chaos every time she makes a difficult move. I bet everything on that performance. The meaning is to handle a huge mistake. The player is adventurous in performing his life. You can see that he's working really hard.


When an excellent violin/guitarist plays something, he bends and twists a rough, jagged note.

They know how to do it perfectly. He does it very delicately. You can't help but like it. So the gymnast pushes to the limit of his ability. And then you end up doing "Ta-da". She sweats and enjoys victory.
All the spectators get up cheering. Because she was more than perfect. She was perfect. In a way that 

can be more perfect in the future. This is meaningful.

This is why spectators jump up and down. She was between chaos and order. That's what's meaningful. What your brain does gives meaning to life and draws participation to tell you the right time and place.


2. To summarize


He said that life has order and chaos. We can fall from order to chaos at any time, or we can move from chaos to 

order. Gymnasts and violinists exist at the boundary between perfecting what they have prepared so far and making mistakes. Walking on a tightrope in chaos and order. This is because even small changes can lead to loss of order and fall into chaos.

But what if I do it normally and I never win? If you do what you usually do, you won't be able to win. 

In that case, you should deliberately go in the direction of chaos, but you should keep order to prevent you from 

falling into that confusion. When you do it perfectly, people get enthusiastic and it becomes meaningful.


Let me explain Professor Jordan Peterson's map of meaning easily.
Let's say you're a company employee ahead of the promotion evaluation. I'm living a tight life day by day. If you pay the installment savings and monthly rent, most of my salary, which is the size of a rat, will disappear. I'll have a drink with my friends with the rest of the money. And as I bought some things I needed, I already used up my salary.

I don't know how to prepare for the future because I don't have enough money to save. I'm sure I'll live a tight life with my salary now. So I'm thinking about it. You think it's better to raise your salary through promotion.

The promotion season is coming soon. Tomorrow is the day of an important personnel announcement.

From early in the morning, we decided to make a team presentation in front of the executives.
You've been fully prepared all night, and you've been trying to make a great presentation.


However, something different than expected happens. While preparing for the presentation, I suddenly fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, it was 8:30 the next morning. It's only time to arrive at the company to prepare right now.
I'm getting ready for work like crazy. He rushed out like that. The traffic situation happens to be bad at times like 

this. The subway I have to take will be missed in front of my eyes. We have to wait for the subway for 10 minutes. 

I'm starting to get nervous. The perception is set, and even situations that can interfere with the presentation are created. With such an anxious mind, I barely arrived at the company. There are less than five minutes left before the presentation, and we are waiting for the elevator. You get chills in your spine and cold sweat.

Why do we feel this way?
This is because we had a different experience from the future we expected.
This other experience can be positive or negative. We thought the unknown was positive, but when the reality comes negative, our emotions fluctuate.
In the end, the future image we expect has a huge impact on the value of the current event.

You've drawn a wonderful presentation as a future image, so you're embarrassed when the opposite happens. 

That future image is also our target point. If we have the present we live in and the future I'm drawing in, that future is the goal I have to reach. However, there is not only a rosy path in the process. Something unexpected is coming up.

Let's go back to the meeting room. It was about five minutes late for the conference hall, but it didn't interfere with 

the presentation. The presentation was not perfect, but it was persuasive and the atmosphere of the conference hall was not bad. I'm somewhat satisfied with myself. After the presentation, my boss calls me. 

It was an order to come to the office. You suddenly start to fall into worries.


"Why did you suddenly call me? Did you like what I announced today?"
"Did you not like it?" I'm suddenly excited and scared. I went to my boss like that.
'Your presentation today is very different from what we expected.
Everyone was embarrassed because it was a presentation that deviated from the essence. '
If you hear this story, you will fall into chaos.
"What should I do from now on?" This is not the future value I wanted, but chaos from the unknown world.

What I thought was right wasn't actually right. In order to adapt to the current situation, I have to readjust the "map of meaning" I have made so far. I thought promotion was the best way so far, but it turned out that promotion was not the best way. For promotion, you have to find a new solution or think about your career path again to find a new way.


It's drawing a new Map of Meaning again. In this way, we find order from chaos and grow by creating a new Map of Meaning. Jordan Peterson defines life as follows. The purpose of life is to pursue meaning and expand the realm of consciousness, even if there are limitations.

We face numerous limitations a day. Humans overcome unknown spaces and grow up adapting to them.

When you encounter an unexpected moment, you give meaning to this moment.

The moment we step into the unknown world, we fall into chaos, but if we avoid the unknown world itself, life will stagnate and fall behind. In unexpected moments, a well-balanced person can walk on the path of success.

If you have the confidence to endure the state of your image and the ability to adapt to a changing life, you will be able to reach the life you want.

What kind of map are you drawing in your life? Depending on how you give meaning, my life comes in a new meaning. I hope you can also draw a map of the meaning of growth.

