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A way to utilize 200% of today's

by Didorphin 2020. 7. 12.

This is Jim Quick's lecture as a brain coach.

It's time to find out how to start the day successfully.

If you beat the morning, you can beat the day.
Make a ritual and routine. You don't have to think about what to do.
If you have a routine and habit made early in the day, you can gain scientific momentum.
This is a positive momentum in contrast to 'reaction'.

The first thing to react to is to look at the cell phone. It interferes with concentration while driving.
Reaction is the opposite of caring for yourself, narcissism, vision, and direction for your day.

What should I do to make 200% use of today's day?
In order to dominate the day, you must have your own "consciousness" in the morning.
That's called Ritual.

1. Remember your dreams as soon as you wake up.

What I do as soon as I wake up is to remember my dream.
Dreaming is actually like this.

We deal with and integrate certain issues to solve them.
Using your subconsciousness about concentrating during the day.
But most of them forget their dreams.


2. Cleaning the bed.

And I leave the bed and make my bed.
You're already doing everything, but if you're not doing it, just spend 2 minutes to make your bed. This is a success habit and a positive momentum.
It's the scientific momentum that makes it right, and it's to check and excel.


3. Drink a cup of water.

Then I go to the kitchen and drink a cup of water in a big cup.
Because we use a lot of water and most of them are dehydrated at night.


4. Take nutritional supplements.

And I take supplements and probiotics, which are really important.
Because our intestines are the second brain.


5. Breathing.

The next thing I do is 'breathing'. Whatever the breathing method is, focus on deep breathing.
Whether it's box breathing or alpha breathing, I use deep breathing techniques to supply oxygen to my body.


6. Meditating.

I meditate in the morning. After that, I often do it in the afternoon or evening before going to bed.
But I always meditate early in the morning. It takes about 20 minutes. Mindfulness is important.
I organize my mind at the beginning of the day. Meditation takes you to a space like that.
For 15, 20 minutes, you can use headspace for a few minutes and use a muse device.
Or other similar techniques are possible.

7. Move lightly.

And just move for a minute or two minutes.
It depends on the situation. It could be bare-body exercise or burpee. After meditating, I wake up my body. It moves very intensely for a few minutes.
If it's a hotel room, it's a jumping jack, basically a crunch, or it's for two minutes to wake up.
This isn't the amount of exercise per day. I'm just trying to increase my heart rate.


8. Taking a cold shower.

And then I take a cold shower. I believe in cold therapy, it works. Reset the nervous system.
Cold therapy resets the nervous system and is good for inflammation.


9. Drinking tea.

And I make tea. My favorite tea is brain tea. Ginkgo, Ryan Main Mushroom, MCT Oil, and other things.


10. Writing in a diary.

I keep a diary while drinking tea. Great thinkers in history now and in history keep a diary or record.
Think about Edison, Einstein, and Da Vinci. Their diaries are really valuable.


11. Writing

And I like writing.
Several studies have shown that handwriting is better than typing.


12. Making TO-DO-LIST.

After writing, make TO DO LIST. We all have something going on. The things you have to do on TO DO LIST.
The biggest thing for me is just that I want to achieve. Complete victory. Three tasks and three personal things.
It doesn't have to be a huge thing. If you've accomplished three goals during your work, if you've accomplished three personal goals,
It will be a good day.


13. Making TO-FEEL-LIST.

Make a TO-FEEL-LIST. I get this feeling. We exist in our state and emotions.
I don't want my feelings to occur on impulse. I want to design that emotion.
I want to feel it all day long. It's designed like this. Loved, curious, embarrassed, right ties, gratitude, etc.


14.Making TO-BE-LIST.

Besides TO-DO-LIST and TO-FEEL-LIST, we make TO-BE-LIST.
What kind of person do I want to be today? I want to be a good partner. Good friends, leaders, teachers, coaches.
I feel like I want to be that day. It's not just a cliche, but it's true.
We are not human doing, but human being.

So, what kind of person do you want to be today?


15. Reading books

If you have time, make time for the most important thing. It's reading a book.
I read books for 20 to 30 minutes. This is very important, but if you've already done this, if you're a reader, you're a reader, so you can talk about "how to read in a week."
Most people can read one book a week.
I read books for 30 minutes a day. To do so, you have to plan the time.



16. Making a brain smoothie.

After reading it like that, I'll have a brain smoothie.
I make it and eat it. Brainberries consist of blueberries, avocados, and leafy vegetables. And then I start my day.


17. I'll organize it.

There's a lot I can do in a day. You don't have to do all of this. Trying to do all of this can come as stress.
So you can think that I will select and do it among the things I can do in the morning. I actually do a lot of things here every day. As soon as I wake up, I try to remember my dream. I try to accurately revive the dreams and memories that always remain ambiguous to understand what I thought and what I felt at that time. Because I think it's planted in my subconscious.

Next, let's make the bed. If I start the day by organizing my surroundings, I tend to prioritize when I have things to do during my day. Then drink a full cup of water and prepare for the start of the day. The most helpful thing is deep breathing. Repeat inhaling and exhaling deeply.


I make it big with the idea of waking up all the cells sleeping in my body. It's a Wimhoff breathing method, and I recommend you to play the video and follow it. It's a light movement after taking a deep breath. I prefer morning running.
Visually recognizing light in the morning is the way to wake up all my body organs. 

And when I come back, I take a cold shower. The cold water cleans up all my laziness and laziness.
And we start the day little by little. After taking a shower, I read books or write. After spending enough time like that, I really organize what I have to do in a day, TO-DO-LIST, between 3 and 5. I'm starting my day with TO-DO-LIST.

Please select many things presented and create your own RITUAL where you can write your day correctly. And act every day.
That confidence and mindset that I'm controlling today will always make you move forward without stopping.


