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You have to change it first to succeed.

by Didorphin 2020. 7. 15.

The world's leading marketer of Gary baineocheok This Article Explains about the mind map for success and 

happiness in life.

1 .Don't complain about things that don't change and focus on what you're 

good at.


I see many people giving completely established advice about their natural talents and DNA.
"Yes, I know. Even if I practice throwing balls for more than 9 hours every day, I can't compete with 

professionals physically." I agree. 

I'm sure everyone who reads this will always want to be cool and smart. But there are things that are 

innate and things that you can change. But I believe in you.

I don't know if I'm right or not, but I believe it's possible to acquire an "attitude to work faithfully."
It's something you can control. That's why I'm telling you to always work hard and busy. And that was 

the beginning of my change. And my own way to create a hard-working environment in business is

to divide it into "complaints" and "not complaining." For example, if you don't complain, you don't need my advice. I think I'll be so happy, too. It's a successful life.

One of my friends earns $42,000 a year. I work from 9 to 4. And live a very happy life. The high school 

alumni sent me a message saying that they were happy to be a coach for their son's baseball team.

Isn't this great? Happiness is so obvious. Life without complaints is right and I don't know if it sounds weird, but I'm even jealous. Isn't it so cool to listen to?
Looking more positively, there is no pressure. I think spending a lot of time with the children is so good.

Everything is proven.

But another friend has 100 billion won in the bank. I made money through Facebook IPO. But he always

complains and still wants to achieve something bigger. They complain to me because they know I work a lot. There's no work-life balance.

He said he didn't have time to spend with his family. "You have 100 billion won." You can rest at home 

and do everything, so don't complain. Why are you complaining when it's your choice? 

If you want to spend time with your family, you can take the time to spend it.

It's like a keyboard warrior. So I think hard about what I say and what I actually do. It's all revealed when words and actions are different. I'm not telling others to go and say you're not good. But look back on yourself. I don't want to reveal to myself that my own words and actions are different. Just look at yourself in the mirror and see if you're doing well.

2.  If you want to succeed, sacrifice, compete, and acknowledge.

Likewise, it seems to me that a lot of people only talk nonsense. What do you mean you're going to be a huge 

entrepreneur, you're going to achieve something huge, and you're definitely playing on weekends. I worked every 

Saturday in my 20s. So I think I tell my friends in their 20s almost every day. 'You have more time to rest for a day 

this Saturday than I have on Saturdays when I was in my 20s. So think about it before saying nonsense that you will be greater than me. What are you really doing?'

It's good if you're determined to go higher and higher. I'm happy, too. It may sound weird, but I'm not going to 

cheer for you. Because I'm strangely competitive. I'm not proud of this part. But I can be honest and talk comfortably. Although I know this is my flaw, I don't want my children to surpass me. It's not sweet to say this, but it's true. This is really myself and I don't say nonsense. I'm that competitive. But I like it so much when others go beyond me. That's the rule of a competent society. 

For example, I invest well, but Chris is better. And I'm happy because he's my friend. As I am fully qualified, I am not angry. Even if someone beats me. It's because you have the right to do that.


3. Don't judge yourself and don't take other people's words into your heart.

From what you say, it's like the secret of your power doesn't judge yourself. Is it correct? I don't judge. That was a good observation. And I want everyone to be like that. We abuse ourselves.


But in fact, we're all terrible. For some things.. That's right. We all have our shortcomings. Likewise, there are advantages.
But why do you only think about the shortcomings? Think of your strengths and look at yourself like that, 

'Yes, I'm good at this, and I'm not good at this.'
And I always focus on what I can do well. I don't care about not being able to fix something if it's broken at home.
I just call people and ask them to fix it. "Isn't it a man if you can't do this?" I don't even care. I don't understand that mindset.
We all have pros and cons. I think I'm cool. I keep my beliefs because I am emotionally stable and have a strong personality.

Is this advantage common to everyone? That's why everyone's prejudices and stereotypes are really foolish. I don't judge myself. 

I love myself, and I love others, too. Everything is in both directions. The reason why I ask people who work with me to invest and 

trust me is because I trust and invest in them first. I don't think anyone needs to buy my trust. Trust already exists. 

I think the existence of human beings is too underestimated. Even though everyone is amazing. Of course, bad humans exist. There are 7 billion people. We can do a lot of harm to each other. In just a few hours.

But it's not like that. Everything is fine. We are Alpha who won the Earth. And I learned how to coexist.
It's really amazing. So don't dwell on what others have said.


4. Set the importance level and take responsibility for all mistakes.

Unless you die, everything is divided into two. 17 family members and acquaintances who are precious 

to me and myself. Everything else is second. In other words, having this mindset makes life easier.
Everyone thinks too much of nothing. It's really meaningless, it's just a difference in perspective.
My selfishness comes from altruism. I hate it when others ask me what can I do you want me to do?
I don't answer. I don't need anything. And I don't like feeling left out. I entered the family business to pay back the kindness my parents raised. 


How about giving it back to your parents? Everything becomes easier when you have a sense of mission and responsibility for everything. Everything will be controlled by you. And enjoy the process of failing.

I just think about it. Everything is my fault. That's why I'm not angry with my family. Because it's my fault. Admitting behavior empowers them and considers the parts I made mistakes, messed up, or missed as a failure. Everyone lives by failing.


To tell you an interesting story, I gave this example when UFC became famous.
Business operations and business operations resemble UFC more than boxing. 


In boxing, defeat is an irreversible damage to a player. Boxing fans will know. When you watch a really big boxing game, their record doesn't make sense. 33 wins and 0 losses vs 35 wins and 0 losses. We fight

without defeat and go up there. In UFC, all players experience defeat. 

That's why I think UFC resembles corporate management or our lives. Because we experience failure. 

That's why I enjoy failure.
I like diversity and challenge. I gain strength when they criticize others and say, "I knew he would do that." That's how I enjoy adversity. That's why everything is my fault and failure is fun for me.
With this mindset, I feel invincible. There's nothing to be afraid of except health. 

I think 20 people who are important to me and myself, 100% invincible. I know my intentions, try to do better, blame others, and admit that everyone is not perfect. Having this mindset makes life easier and feel better.

5. Choose your subjectivity over the world.

I always say this. If you want to be different from others, you have to act like that. I act the same way as others while

wanting special things than others. The same goes for taking a bigger risk than taking a weekend off. 

This is what I think. If I liken my business life to two people kissing the picture or champagne cups, the world looks at champagne glasses, but I see people kissing them. I look like that and I see the next step. 

Likewise, it's your choice. What are you going to choose?

