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The top 10% of successful elites had different "this."

by Didorphin 2020. 7. 20.

What should I do to have a good day? An hour after waking up in the morning has a huge impact on 24 hours 

a day. The person to introduce today is Jim Quick, the author of the last immersion and a brain coach. He coached the world's best leaders, including Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Barack Obama, and Oprah Winfrey. He conveys how to activate your brain.


If you want to win the day, you must win the first hour of the day. Because it's called scientific elasticity.
-Jim Kwik

1. Digital overload.

There are three villains who deprive you of your opportunity. This is different from the previous generation. There are three digital super villains, the first digital overload. There is too little time to learn something. Too much information in too little time.

Second, there is also digital dementia, the concept of outsourcing the brain to smart devices. The brain makes us fools. It's like smart devices make us fool. So I told the brain scientist. He talked about GPS if he was looking for a third device. When and where to move. You won't be able to be late like dementia. These are digital dementia.

The third digital villain is a digital distraction. It's about concentration. Do you want to increase your 

concentration? What are you focusing on these days? We live in a world of distraction.

2. Write down a list of things you shouldn't do.

Just as people have voice coaches, business coaches, and personal trainers, I want to be your brain coach.
The worst habit you can have is to use your smartphone in the first hour of the day. This is the worst habit you can have. For a high level of performance. Successful people make TO DO LIST. Everything you have to do.

But 10% of the successful people I found are making NOT-TO-DO-LIST. It's even more important than TO DO LIST. They make sure they don't do things. Because it's a waste of energy and it ruins concentration. It's multitasking. What is evident in all studies is that multitasking does not exist. Multitasking does not work. You can talk while walking while chewing gum. What I'm talking about is cognitive behavior. Actually, you can't multitask.

In fact, the right expression is "task change." I do one task and I do another. If new dopamine occurs and you feel 

stimulated, you feel more productive. But I get really busy. When something happens. If you do something different every time in one activity, it will take 5 to 20 minutes. Time to regain concentration and flow. Does it make sense?

I studied with doctors and surgeons. As they find out, multitasking increases the probability of error. You make more mistakes. Not only does it waste time, but it also increases the probability of making mistakes. So multitasking is on the list that I shouldn't do. The other thing on the list is, if this is on the list, there will be a huge change.


3. Don't look at your phone for an hour as soon as you wake up.

Not looking at your phone for an hour as soon as you wake up. Let me explain why. Because it redesigns the brain so that it can't concentrate. He runs an influential laboratory when interviewing doctor BJ Fogg at Stanford University. One of the students was an Instagram co-founder. It's all habit-related and addictive. Think about it. They watch Instagram an average of 150 times every day.

If you don't watch it 150 times a day, it means other people watch it much more, right? That's addiction, right?

Whenever you like, share, or read comments, dopamine will flock and run along your motivation path. And then you learn. 

Literally, you learn what motivates you. By triggering those things. If that's the first thing you do in the morning, you'll be interested in everything. Share, comments, like, cat videos, whatever.

I'm training you to disperse your brain. You might wonder why you can't concentrate. I always see this on Facebook, and our

concentration time is lower than that of goldfish. Goldfish is 9 seconds and we average 8 seconds. After 8 seconds, our concentration goes somewhere. Whether it's true or not, don't look at your phone. That's training so you can't concentrate.


4. Organize.

He says there are three villains in the digital age. The first villain is "Digital overload". 

We live with too much information. I have really important and precious information and knowledge, 

but I also encounter so many things that are not good for my mental health.

The second villain is "Digital Dementia". It's said that smartphones make us fools. Imagine if we go to 

an appointment with a friend without a smartphone. If you always move according to the instructions of

your smartphone and say that you have to go somewhere with your own power, you will feel really 

hopeless. Digital basically helps us a lot. But it often causes you to miss something important.

The third villain is "Digital distraction". Electronic devices are an opportunity to reduce concentration. 

What is the first thing we do as soon as we wake up? Kakao Talk, Facebook, Instagram, and watching 

YouTube, right?

These things tend to prevent us from really doing what we have to do. Spending a day with this is said to be one of the worst ways to spend the day, filled with numerous factors that reduce concentration. 

Also, we usually emphasize TO-DO-LIST. I also write TO-DO-LIST every morning. This sets the direction in which we should act today.

But not only that, but also NOT-TO-DO-LIST is important. It's a summary of what I shouldn't do today. Among the great people, the top 10% organize what they shouldn't do. What he says is one of the things he shouldn't do the most is multitasking.

People usually say, "You're good at multitasking." However, it is said that it is impossible to do two things at once. It's not real multitasking, it's just alternating things in a short time.
Each time you take turns processing it, the cost will be incurred. It reduces concentration and is very likely to cause errors. After all, doing one thing at a time is how to activate my brain properly.

How should you spend your day now? Find a really valuable value for me and act on it for an hour 

before work every morning. Running, home training, reading, stretching, and meditation are all good. 

Start the day with your own time to focus solely on yourself, not on others.






