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The Importance of Habits - James Clear

by Didorphin 2020. 8. 1.

Let's take a look at James Clear's lecture, the best self-development expert in the U.S.


If you can grow 1% every day throughout your life, this game will be compounded and 37 times better in a year. If it gets worse by 1%, it will cause you to converge to almost zero.

- James Clear


There is something that successful people unanimously emphasize. What do you think that is? It's making habits. Everyone says to make a habit of successful. Numerous celebrities emphasize the importance of habits.

Humans behave 95% unconsciously. The way adults learn unconsciousness is to repeat it culturally. We call it a habit. What is a habit? It is a self-learned behavior in the process of repeating an action for a long time. It means repetition of action. Anyone who doesn't know habits are important? You all know. But why don't we do it?


We have brought in the world's top habits experts for reasons and solutions that we haven't been able to go for three days since we decided to. This is James Clear, who wrote a book called The Power of Very Small Habits.

If you can absorb this and apply it to your life, you will be out of your mind for three days.

Everyone wants to change. They want to make a huge difference and succeed. But what we overlook is that small habits and choices are already changing us. Good habits will make your time a colleague and bad habits will make your time an enemy. I'll tell you how to make the habit you want. This will let you have what you want.



From now on, I will talk about the "habit formation" of the fourth stage.

1. Habit formation First Step - Recognizing.


My favorite thing to recognize is 'implementation intention'. There were three groups. I told the first and second groups that I wanted to know how often you exercise. And I motivated the second group.

The benefits of exercise, benefits, and how it will help. This group is a motivation group. The third group was motivated by the same presentation, but only one was different. It was to write down the sentence, "I will do intense exercise for 20 minutes next week."

On this day, at this time, at this place, they specifically specified their intention to do it.


One-third of the first group exercised, and the motivation of the second group meant nothing. It motivates researchers to read books or watch YouTube as soon as they leave. Motivation listens to speeches, too. And you forget everything in 20 minutes. But the third group, who had plans on what to do, exercised in all likelihood. You can double or triple the probability of success just by specifying it specifically. There's an insight here. Many people think they lack motivation to think, but what they really lack is "clarity. I think they need more motivation and will to act out their habits. 'I want to write, meditate/exercise. Then they'll act.' But actually they didn't have a plan. So you wake up and think every day, 'What if you're motivated to write/exercise?' Instead, you have to decide. When, where, and how to explicitly act on the habit.


2. Second step - Want


Among human behavioral habits, the most overlooked thing is the 'physical environment'. This is an interesting insight into 'desire'. The environment affects them. We want it because it can choose. That's because it's in front of us. Walking in the living room in the United States, everything the sofa and chair face is TV. The design of the room determines your behavior. They're wondering why we're sitting and watching TV. Because that's what our 'desire' looks like. So thankfully, you don't have to be a victim of the environment. Rather, you can design it. Good habits can be easily done, and bad habits can be difficult.

So when it comes to habits, if you want to play the guitar often, put the guitar in the middle of the living room.

I always run into him. Do you want to read more? Put a book on your pillow when you make your bed in the morning. You can come back at night, read a few books, and fall asleep. I've never seen anyone like this.

Creating a very bad environment and making positive habits "continuous."


3. Step 3 - Act

The most important thing about habits is "shut up and do a lot" at first. Just be familiar with it. And you'll think like this. Any result you achieve is in the 'spectrum of repetition'. So if you repeat more in less repetitions, you are more likely to achieve an

easy/medium/difficult goal, and if you repeat more, you are more likely to achieve it. Interestingly, if it's important to repeat a lot,

it's very important to know how to start. Because every number of times, we train to start every day with any persistence related to habits. You can start over constantly. That means persistence. It's really easy to get started. I'll give you a very simple strategy.


Any habit can act within two minutes. Writing, exercise, meditation, whatever. So the goal is to optimize the start of the work. When we often think about habits, goals, routines, and achievements, these are all important steps. How much weight you want to lose, how much money you want to make, and how many subscribers you want to get are all the finishing lines. Instead, if we optimize the starting point, with an "easy environment" that allows us to "repeat" more. Often, the results come out naturally.


4. Step 4. - Like.


The only reason we repeat is that we enjoy it. Because I like that reward. What that means is that you need to know how to bring the reward back to its current state. Because good habits have problems. The problem has immediate consequences for good habits. Compensation is often late if it costs money.
If you go to the gym now, time, energy, and effort are the costs. The reward is to build your body in three months and not get sick for 10 years. The reward is late.

Everyone opposes bad habits. If you eat donuts right now, it's delicious and it's great to pour sugar.

But the results are late. You'll gain weight in three weeks or three months. Being a great comedian is a good joke. The secret of telling a good joke is to do it every day. So make sure to do this. You can see all the schedules for this year on the calendar on the wall. Like recording jokes for 15 minutes on a day you do what you have to do. Please mark X on that day. There could be a wrong start. However, there is also a persistent aspect.

Your only goal is not to lose persistence. It doesn't matter if it's a good joke or a bad joke. Don't lose persistence. Interestingly, measuring your growth can also make immediate rewards.


The reward for a standard routine is too late to make you feel good, whether it's 40 days or 40 weeks from now. If you record jokes for 15 minutes and X them on your calendar, you will get a very small reward. To add one more thing, never fail twice in a row. Many people persist, but if they fail, they will feel really bad. "I ruined this good thing." You don't get strict saying, "It's over now."


When we see people at the top, they don't make mistakes. They make the same mistake. But they quickly get back to their places.If you follow a rule that doesn't fail twice in a row. Even if you start again every time and feel like you're off track, you'll do 50%. Changes are made step by step. And we're becoming new people..


Sustainability and Repetition not only change your results, but also change your identity. The reason why this is true is that there is more evidence in our beliefs, which increases the likelihood of believing.
If you go to church every Sunday for 20 years, you can say you are religious. If you study Spanish every Thursday for 20 minutes, you will think you are an academic person. What you do is evidence of you.


Life is important every moment. But in the end, what you did once or twice quickly disappears over a long period of time, but what you do every day and every week is to build up the evidence. About believing in yourself. Whatever you act on is voting for the person you want to be. If you want to be someone else, you have to do something new. You have to build up evidence by action. For the identity you believe is right. The more votes we have, the more we'll win the election. It doesn't have to be unanimous. You don't have to be perfect all the time.


True change is not a change in 'action, outcome, process'. It's a change in 'identity'. The goal is not to "write books or articles," but to become a "writer." You should be a runner, not a marathon. To become a person to develop 'identity'.


5. In conclusion


The essence of this talk is not simply making small changes. Putting a book on the bed or an apple on the stand. In fact, it's something new about yourself. What's possible about yourself. Habits are important not only for external success, but also for dieting, making more profits, meditating to relieve stress, or for internal changes. To become a new person.

There is a way we can make it. The way to create our identity, deep faith and sense in ourselves. So if you change your habits, you can change your life.


It is said that habits are largely classified into four categories. Recognizing, recognizing something so that we can think and act. What you must follow in this process was that you have to specify when, where, and how to do it.

"I will wake up at 7 a.m. tomorrow and run on the Han River, read psychology books at 12 a.m. after lunch, and go to the gym at 9 a.m. tomorrow after dinner."'

Interestingly, when explaining the three groups, the lowest success rate among the groups that make exercise habits came out lower in one place. No matter how much I watch the motivational video, it doesn't mean anything if I don't move and act. What you lack is not motivation, but clarity to act specifically.


Second, what you want. You have to want me to be aware of. If I don't like it and feel it only in pain, I can never make a habit. You must make the habit easy. For example, if you're trying to make an exercise habit and you're booking a gym in a completely opposite direction, not near your workplace, it's hard for us to keep it until the end.

Third, act. I have to repeat it countless times to get what I want. James Clear says, "Shut up and do a lot." The most important thing about repeating is the 'starting stage'. If you start first, you usually do everything after that. I don't want to go to the gym, but when I go to the gym, I walk on a treadmill, but if I don't go at all, I don't do anything. When I come out of the shower after exercising, I think, "Oh, I'm glad I came."

The way to increase behavior is to move first before the brain stops me even before feeling lazy. It's like a rocket is being launched. It will maximize your behavior.

Fourth, like. Will delicious food be fattening and healthy food not? The reward for delicious food comes quickly, and the reward for healthy food comes late. So it's hard for us to do it steadily. In the end, you have to have your own compensation method. The compensation doesn't have to be the final compensation for the result.

For example, whenever you go to the gym every day, try to relate it to something that makes you feel satisfied, such as watching YouTube videos. Please connect and apply a way to receive compensation quickly and often.

Once again, I'll summarize four ways to make a habit.
Recognizing in detail, making it easier to do what you want, repeating it like crazy, and liking it often.

