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Three secrets that make your day 500% more productive.

by Didorphin 2020. 7. 14.

What does it take to do the impossible and change the paradigm?
Is it possible to continue to make progress that has not been seen before?


Stephen Cotler, a world-renowned expert in the field of "PEAK PERFORMANCE," a best-selling author of the "New York Times" and execution ability that brings out the best potential and results, introduces the secret of creating the top 1% where time slows and only behavior and perception are defined.

3 ways to succeed 5 times a day compared to your competitor.

1. "Secret" was the biggest success in the world.

I looked it up from the top. Google's Larry Page, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk. We investigated the entrepreneurs who created the business that changed the world.
People who achieved ridiculous things all had something in common.It was a certain state of consciousness, which is called "Flow." This is a technical term. 

It's about finding the best state of consciousness technically.

In short, you do your best and make the best results. In that state, I concentrate so much on my work 

that everything else feels like it's gone, and as actions and perceptions combine, my sense of self seems to disappear. That way, time expands and begins to flow strangely. Sometimes the speed of time slows down, feels like a picture, and appears more often, feeling like less 

than 5 hours and less than 5 minutes. In that way, it shows the best performance in terms of mental 

and physical aspects.


2. Flow = 500% more productive than competitors.


This study was started by Mihai Chixen Mihai. The first thing he discovered was "Flow can be defined." It has seven 

key characteristics, some of which are constant concentration at the moment, extinction of self, and extinction of 

time. Flow can be defined, so measurement was also possible.It was measured with a psychological measurement tool verified by the development of science. Also, the flow is universal and can be found by everyone.
As long as we meet a few conditions His last discovery was that Flow was the most important thing in life.
Looking at his research, he said that people with the world's best performance and consistently high satisfaction and happiness index feel the most flow. I'll show you the most convincing data in terms of business.

After 10 years of research by Mackenzie Global Consulting Company, top management found that productivity was 

five times higher in a "flow" state. It's 500% higher. For example, if you go to work only on Monday and take a break from Tuesday to Friday, you will finish a week's worth of work. 

If you experience "flow" for two days of the week, you'll be 1000% more productive than your competitor.


3. What happens in the brain in the "flow" state.


Also, the old ideas about the achievements that neuroscience has discovered so far are very wrong. In particular, the most famous idea is "We only use 10% of the brain" a lot of people have heard of it. That we only use a tiny fraction of the brain. Then you'll think that you're using your brain completely in the "flow" state.

In reality, it's exactly the opposite. In the "flow" state, we don't use the brain more, but actually use a smaller part. In technical terms,

it is called 'temporary slow down'. It's slowly deactivating the brain. The prefrontal cortex of a part of the brain is a very powerful part of the brain just behind the forehead. It is responsible for complex and logical decision-making. In addition, long-term planning, morality, and willpower begin with the frontal cortex.

The frontal cortex is deactivated in the "flow" state. It's being exchanged for "efficiency". The brain needs a lot of concentration, so it 

takes a lot of energy and deactivates a certain portion for efficiency. Strange things start to happen when the frontal cortex begins to be deactivated. I feel the flow of time that I mentioned earlier. Because the part of the brain that feels time is the frontal cortex.

As this part is deactivated, it destroys the notion of time, past, present, and future. Researchers say that this state is in a "deep present." In a "deep state," the performance rises and you can't feel the passage of time. Anxiety disappears and stress hormones all disappear from the blood. As a result, your ability to take risks increases. Because I don't have any doubts. 

That's how creativity increases, and it goes up from 400% to 700%.

"Flow" not only trains your brain but also makes you think more creatively in the moment.
It also lasts that creativity for a very long time. You've probably heard of Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 Hours of Law. 

What the study consistently shows is that the flow takes 5,000 hours. The most important information is that the flow state that 

reduces that time can hack. There are several signals and conditions to enter this state.


4. Three ways to make a flow.

① The first trigger is immediate feedback.

This is why athletes experience "flow." One dangerous movement on the hill is a problem facing death. 

I get immediate feedback on my actions. I also ask Michael, one of my employees, to review all my work. I'm asking for minimal feedback. What I recommend to people is to create a "feedback colleague" because it's hard to get feedback from a busy boss all the time. 

He's someone who will give immediate feedback as we grow together. It's not enough to get feedback 

every quarter or every year. So reduce the frequency of feedback as much as possible through 

'feedback colleagues'.

② Second, working out.

I work out almost every day. Active sports are helpful. But recovery is the most important thing for 

'flow'. I do "box breathing" as a recovery. The reason why it is called box breathing is because there are four steps.

Inhale for 5 seconds and hold your breath for 5 seconds afterwards. Breathe out for 5 seconds and hold your breath again for 5 seconds. It's also a way to increase those 5 seconds to 6 seconds and 7 seconds. This breathing method is also done in the Navy Seal, which helps self-reflection.
In addition, this training helps concentration. In other words, we make "flow".

All meditation training will help "flow," but there are two reasons why I like this breathing technique. 

If you take out all the air in your lungs when you exhale, train for more than seven seconds between 

two holding-breath sections and inhalation and exhalation, you automatically get a "fighting-escape reaction. Our brains detect that there is no air in our lungs and learn how to concentrate in panic as we panic. In other words, how to focus through panic is the process of getting a "flow." 

Box breathing is a really good way.

③ My last method and the last way I'll tell you is creativity.

Flow amplifies creativity, but it can also be triggered using creativity. The method is 'pattern recognition'. We're connecting each idea. Therefore, if you want to create pattern recognition, you need to supply ideas to the brain.


The best way I recommend is to read pages 25 to 30 a day. To briefly explain what books you read, non-literature books, which are not your specialty at the same time, but those areas you were curious about, and those areas you were curious about. When we read books, our brains load the 'pattern recognition system'. It gives the brain essential information for "pattern recognition." 

If you don't do this, you'll never achieve "flow". And you would deny that 'flow' is not possible.
