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"Smart How to Sleep" that gets ahead of you while sleeping. -Shawn Stevenson

by Didorphin 2020. 7. 10.

All the answers were hidden in "sleep." And everything changed. Sleep is more important than eating habits and exercise combined. And it also helps to improve your appearance.

It's really amazing. If you look at how much "fat" decreases when you get optimal sleep,
It's crazy amazing.
-Tom Bilyeu

Let's take a look at the lecture by Shawn Stevenson, a sleep expert and author of Sleep Smarter.

1. Sleep time to make money.

Studies have also shown that continuing to fall asleep earlier than ordinary people, interestingly, there is a "anabolism" of metabolism in the body. This is also called "sleeping time to make money." 


In general, it refers to between 10 and 2 o'clock. Because natural melatonin secretion is active at that time. Therefore, when you fall asleep at that time, you get deeper sleep and most antibiotics are secreted. In other words, the secretion of hormones you need is higher than others. You can get ahead of others with that alone. If you fall asleep at this time, you feel refreshed when you wake up even if you sleep less. The most important point is not to sleep a lot, but to sleep "smartly."


For example, people who sleep for 8 to 9 hours also feel more tired after waking up after sleeping for that long time. I'm sure you've felt what I'm saying. "I slept a lot, but why am I tired?" ' The answer is "sleep quality." Comparing our bodies to manual cars, the way to shift our body's performance is "melatonin." In general, melatonin is considered only to help the "sleep hormone" or sleep cycle.


However, when melatonin is suppressed and wakes up, it feels like the day after the party. Even though

I slept safely in bed without much trouble. Sleeping long has many advantages. It may be related to other things, but the point I'm saying is that sleep does not simply correlate, but it has a tremendous impact on changes in our bodies while sleeping, and the results are so interesting. And I think everyone should know.


2. Sleep where you lose 55% of your body fat.

One of the studies that surprised me was the University of Chicago study. I gave the experimenters the same food and observed everything. The difference was that only one group was observed by providing 8.5 hours of sleep 
time, the other group was given the same diet and the other was only sleep time.  We reduced 3 hours to 5 hours and 30 minutes of sleep. There's only a three-hour difference between the two groups. 
The results of the study were amazing. 


The group that slept more lost 55% more body fat than the other group. Only slept more. What I'm curious about here is how this happens? It's because of the melatonin I just now. Melatonin is not only involved in sleep, but also in reducing body fat. According to a study by Stanford University, a single day of sleep deprivation prevents 
the secretion of "fat-inhibiting hormones." It's amazing to hear the results. 


If you don't get a good night's sleep, the hormone's desired food will change the next day. You want more food, and your body also wants sweeter, salty, and stimulating food.

3. The best way to sleep.

Then, what can you do easily to optimize sleep? Let me tell you the easiest way. One of the simplest and most attractive ways is to change your exercise time. To improve the quality of sleep. Appalachian State University observed what time exercise is most effective and affects sleep quality. In the study, the observation group exercised at 7 a.m., the other group exercised at 1 p.m., and the other group exercised at 7 p.m. So I collected all the data, and according to the study, morning exercise caused the most antibiotics and also induced a deeper sleep. In other words, they accumulated more hormones they needed. It also created an efficient sleep cycle and increased the average sleep time we've talked about. Blood pressure was also 25% better than other groups.


Of course, it would be hard to make time in the morning.It would be impossible for some people to exercise in the morning due to their schedules. When that happens, just do it for five minutes. I tried it myself. Every morning, I exercise even for five minutes. 

Jump for 5 minutes on a rebound or small trampoline, or walk around the house for 5 minutes. That's the first thing you can do.

Work out for 5 minutes in the morning. Invest 5 minutes no matter what. Good effects will snowball and your life will be much richer.


4. 30 minutes before going to bed.

The second way is related to our electronic devices. According to Harvard studies, melatonin is suppressed when watching electronic devices such as "blue light," iPads, or iPhone android TVs. Do we think it's morning when we see the blue light? That's right. 
We have photoreceptors in our bodies. It plays a role in checking the time outside the body. 
So that the body can harmonize more with nature.

However, in recent decades, with the use of electronic devices too frequently, the body has been adjusted as if it were spending twice a day. The body accepts only what it sees with its eyes, 

so it doesn't know if it's day or night outside.

In particular, blue light and white light are accepted by our bodies like the year of the morning. 
More surprisingly, the researchers found that melatonin is suppressed for 30 minutes every hour when electronic devices are used at night. If you've watched a three-hour movie in the evening,

your melatonin will be suppressed and won't produce the necessary melatonin for about an hour and a half even if you lie in bed. You have to keep that in mind.  So the action I recommend is not to look at the screen of the electronic device 30 minutes before going to sleep.

Don't think complicatedly and don't look at the screen for just 30 minutes. I'm not accusing you of using electronic devices that are becoming more convenient, but you have to know. And if you follow this method, the quality of sleep quality. With a 30 minute investment before going to bed.


5. The optimal temperature.

Another useful way is to change the pattern of the evening routine. Our brains always look for patterns. 
This is how many successful people who read this article do it. "Morning Success Habits & Routine". 

However, "Successful Morning" begins on "the evening before." 
A perfect morning is made before going to bed. Some ways to get a good night's sleep are to control the temperature. 
It's to lower the temperature in the bedroom. Of course, low temperatures can be difficult for some people.

However, studies have shown that between 17 and 20 degrees Celsius is the most ideal temperature for sleep. 
Of course, it seems too low to hear. 

However, lowering the temperature in the bedroom improves the quality of sleep surprisingly. 
I'm not saying you shouldn't cover yourself with a blanket or wear socks.
It's just lowering the temperature in the bedroom.

6. Only sleeping space - Bedroom

Another way is to make the bedroom suitable for sleep. For example, if you go into the bedroom  in the evening, your nerves will already be remembered. The neural circuit of the brain activates "I have to watch TV when I go into the bedroom." 
The behavior of watching TV in the bedroom was recorded in the neural circuit for a year or months. 


Of course, you would have gone to bed to sleep, but your brain would expect to watch TV because there is a TV in the bedroom.
That's how the brain will wake up. So the way I recommend it is to get rid of electronic devices from the bedroom as much as possible. It's to make it a "sleeping space." Sleep is more important than eating habits and exercise combined in health and

has a great impact on appearance.


Lastly, always keep in mind these four things in mind: sleep, decision on what to eat, and when or how to exercise before we exercise.
Then you will live your life young and healthy and happy for a long time.

